- [September 2022] Dr. Paudyal and I have received a $5M award from the Department of Energy (DOE) for the Consortium for Research and Education in Power and Energy Systems (CREPES) 2.0 program.
- [September 2024] Dr. Paudyal and I hosted a session in the 3rd CREPES Workshop hosted by Florida International University.
- [September 2024] Our paper “An Intelligent Hierarchical Framework for Efficient Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Nuclear Power Plants” has been accepted for publication in the 6th Joint Workshop on CPS & IoT Security and Privacy, co-located with ACM CCS 2024.
- [August 2024] We would like to congratulate Dr. Nur Imtiazul Haque for his successful dissertation defense and graduation in Summer 2024.
- [August 2024] AI-ReHab visiting REU students successfully presented their completed work over the summer.
- [July 2024] I presented our work “ConFIDe: A PWM-Driven Control-Fused Intrusion Detection System” at the 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS).
- [June 2024] I presented our work “PAROLE: Profitable Arbitrage in Optimistic Rollup with ERC-721 Token Transactions” at the 54th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Network (DSN).
- [June 2024] Our lab welcomed REU students from 2024 AI-ReHab to work alongside in innovative projects utilizing Artificial Intelligence for Health Care solutions.
- [May 2024] Dr. Rahman was an invited panelist at the Workshop on “Data Analytics, Control, and Computing for Cyber-Physical Security in Power Systems.” organized by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
- [March 2024] DOE has announced a $2.5M Department of Energy (DOE) award to FIU to enhance the cybersecurity of energy systems by introducing cyber and physical agility into the system. Dr. Rahman is the Lead PI of this project, where he haspartnered with collaborators at different universities, national labs, industries, and utilities.
- [March 2024] Our paper titled “PAROLE: Profitable Arbitrage in Optimistic Rollup with ERC-721 Token Transactions” has been accepted for publication at the 54th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Network (DSN).
- [March 2024] Our paper titled “ConFIDe: A PWM-Driven Control-Fused Intrusion Detection System” has been accepted for publication at the 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS).
- [January 2024] Our paper titled “Formal Threat Analysis of Machine Learning-Based Control Systems: A Study on Smart Healthcare Systems” has been accepted to be published in Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (SEGAN), Elsevier.
- [January 2024] Our paper titled “Side-channel-driven Intrusion Detection System for Mission Critical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” has been accepted for publication at the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED).
- [January 2024] Our paper titled “Formal Threat Analysis of Machine Learning-Based Control Systems: A Study on Smart Healthcare Systems” has been accepted to be published in Computers & Security (COSE), Elsevier.
- [November 2023] Our paper titled “Adversarial and Generative Data-Augmented Resilient Intrusion Detection Systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” has been accepted to be published in the Special Session: Privacy and Security of Big Data of IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
- [September 2023] Dr. Rahamn has given a talk titled “Control and Defense-Aware Attack-Resiliency Analytics for Cyber-Physical Systems” in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at North Carolina A&T State University.
- [September 2023] Dr. Rahman has given a talk on “Artificial Intelligence-Driven Noninvasive Security Analytics for Smart Systems” in the Systems Research Seminar Series in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University.
- [September 2023] Our paper titled “Feasibility Analysis for Sybil Attacks in Shard-Based Permissionless Blockchains” has been accepted to be published in ACM Distributed Ledger Technologies.
- [August 2023] Our paper, “Optimal False Data Injection Attack Against Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems,” has been accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.
- [August 2023] Dr. Rahman has given a talk titled “Control-Aware Attack-Resiliency Analytics for Machine Learning-Driven Cyber-Physical Systems” in the Cyber Resilient Electric Vehicle Charging Station & Critical Infrastructure Workshop at the University of Memphis.
- [August 2023] Our paper, “FAKey: Fake Hashed Key Attack on Payment Channel Networks,” has been accepted to be published in the Annual IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS).
- [July 2023] Dr. Rahman have been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure.
- [July 2023] Our paper, “SHATTER: Control and Defense-Aware Attack Analytics for Activity-Driven Smart Home Systems,” has received the Best Paper Award in the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2023). Congratulations to Imtiaz!
- [June 2023] Our paper titled “Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System-Based Lightweight Intrusion Detection System for UAVs” got accepted to be published in the IEEE 48th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2023). The acceptance rate is below 27%. Congratulations to Alvi!
- [April 2023] Our paper titled “Deep Learning-based Energy Harvesting with Intelligent Deployment of RIS-assisted UAV-CFmMIMOs” has been published in the Computer Networks, Elsevier. Congratulations to Alvi!
- [March 2023] Dr. Rahman has given a talk titled “Artificial Intelligence-Driven Control-Aware Attack-Resiliency Analytics for Power Systems” in the Workshop on A Secure & Reliable Power Grid 2050 at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He also led a breakout session in the workshop on agility-based defense for power grids.
- [March 2023] Our paper titled “SHATTER: Control and Defense-Aware Attack Analytics for Activity-Driven Smart Home Systems” got accepted to be published in the IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2023). The acceptance rate is around 25%. Congratulations to Imtiaz!
- [February 2023] Professor Mohammad Abdullah Al-Faruque from the University of California, Irvine, visited our Analytics for Cyber Defense (ACyD) Lab.
- [February 2023] Dr. Rahman has received Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty Fellowship Program (SFFP) fellowship for my project titled “Adversarial Attack Detection in Horizontal Collaboration-based Distributed Machine Learning Inference for Edge Intelligence.”
- [October 2022] Dr. Rahman has given a talk titled “Control-Aware Attack-Resiliency Analytics for Machine Learning-Driven Cyber-Physical Systems” in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
- [September 2022] Dr. Rahman has received a $750K award from National Security Agency (NSA) for researching the hardware security of unmanned aerial vehicles. Along with multiple key personnel at FIU, he partnered with collaborators at the University of Florida and Auburn University in this project.
- [September 2022] Our paper titled “Trajectory Synthesis for a UAV Swarm Based on Resilient Data Collection Objectives” has been accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM). Congratulations to Jakaria, Muneeba, and Alvi!
- [September 2022] Dr. Rahman has received an Extension Grant for his research work in the Visiting Faculty Research Program (VFRP) Fellowship at Air Force Research Lab (AFRL).
- [August 2022] Our paper titled “FeD-UP: Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning-based UAV Path Planning against Hostile Defense System” has been accepted to be published in the 18th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM) Miniconference. Congratulations to Alvi!
- [August 2022] Our paper titled “Optimal False Data Injection Attacks Against Power System Frequency Stability” has been accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (TSG). Congratulations to Saleh!
- [June 2022] Dr. Rahman is visiting Griffiss Institute/Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) in Rome, NY on a Visiting Faculty Research Program (VFRP) fellowship.
- [May 2022] Our paper titled “Optimal Improvement of Post-Disturbance Dynamic Response in Power Grids” has been accepted for presentation at the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IASAM 2022). Congratulations to Saleh!
- [May 2022] Two of our papers titled “DeepCAD: A Stand-alone Deep Neural Network-based Framework for Classification and Anomaly Detection in Smart Healthcare Systems” and “PHASE: Security Analyzer for Next Generation Smart Personalized Smart Healthcare System” have been accepted to be published in the IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH 2022). The acceptance rate is around 25%. Congratulations to Imtiaz!
- [April 2022] FIU has received a $2M Department of Energy (DOE) award to enhance the cybersecurity of America’s energy systems. Dr. Rahman is leading this effort. FIU partnered with NCSU, UNC Charlotte, Raytheon Technologies, and Duke Energy in this project.
- [April 2022] We hosted a delegation from Bangladesh Energy and Power Research Council (BEPRC) on April 25th, 2022. The team was led by Mr. Satyajit Karmaker, Chairman, BEPRC.
- [March 2022] Dr. Rahman is serving as the TPC Co-Chair of the IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2023, to be held in Miami.
- [March 2022] Our collaborative work titled “A Security Enforcement Framework for SDN Controller using Game Theoretic Approach” has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
- [January 2022] Our collaborative work titled “On Algorand Transaction Fee: Challenges and Mechanism Design” has been accepted in the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2022). Congratulations to Maryam and Hossein!
- [December 2021] SHChecker team, led by Dr. Rahman, has successfully completed the NSF I-Corps Fall Cohort 2. Congratulations to Entrepreneur Leads Imtiaz and Alvi and Industry Mentor Chris!
- [December 2021] Mohamadsaleh Jafari (Saleh) has successfully defended his dissertation titled “Impact-based Analytics of Cascaded False Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grids.” Congratulations to Dr. Jafari!
- [September 2021] Congratulations to Imtiaz on the honorable mention award at IEEE ICDH 2021 for his proposal on a security-aware smart healthcare system.
- [August 2021] Dr. Rahman has received an NSF I-Corps award on smart healthcare system (SHS) security. The project will explore implementation and commercialization opportunities with an initial application focus on developing security and resilient analytics for IoMT-based SHSs. The I-Corps team includes Imtiaz (Entrepreneurial Lead), Alvi (Co-Lead), and Chris Houghtaling (Industrial Mentor). Congratulations to all!
- [August 2021] Our paper titled “iAttackGen: Generative Synthesis of False Data Injection Attacks in Cyber-physical Systems” got accepted to be published in the 9th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2021). The acceptance rate is around 28%. Congratulations to Shahriar and Alvi.
- [August 2021] Dr. Rahman is serving on the TPC of IEEE Blockchain 2021.
- [July 2021] Our paper titled “BIOCAD: Bio-Inspired Optimization for Classification and Anomaly Detection in Digital Healthcare Systems” is accepted to be published in the IEEE International Conference on Digital Health (ICDH 2021). The acceptance rate is around 20%. Congratulations to Imtiaz and Alvi!
- [July 2021] Dr. Rahman is serving on the TPC of IEEE ICC 2022.
- [June 2021] Our paper titled “CURE: Enabling RF Energy Harvesting using Cell-Free Massive MIMO UAVs Assisted by RIS” is accepted to be published in the IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2021). Congratulations to Alvi!
- [May 2021] Our paper titled “iDDAF: An Intelligent Deceptive Data Acquisition Framework for Secure Cyber-physical Systems” is accepted to be published in the 17th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks (SecureComm 2021). Congratulations to Shahriar and Imtiaz!
- [May 2021] Our paper titled “REPlanner: Efficient UAV Trajectory-Planning using Economic Reinforcement Learning” is accepted to be published in the 7th IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2021). Congratulations to Alvi and Alex!
- [April 2021] Our paper titled “BIoTA: Control-Aware Attack Analytics for Building Internet of Things” is accepted to be published in the 18th IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON 2021). The acceptance rate is around 26%. Congratulations to Imtiaz!
- [April 2021] Our two papers have been accepted to be published in the 45th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2021). The acceptance rate is just 27%. Congratulations to Shahriar for his paper titled “DDAF: Deceptive Data Acquisition Framework against Stealthy Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems.” Congratulations to Imtiaz for his paper titled “Ensemble-based Efficient Anomaly Detection for Smart Building Control Systems.”
- [March 2021] Our collaborative paper titled “PrivacyGuard: Enhancing Smart Home User Privacy” is accepted to be published at the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 2021). The acceptance rate is 25%. Congratulations to Keyang and Qi!
- [February 2021] Our two papers have been accepted to be published in IEEE PES General Meeting 2021. Congratulations to Saleh. One of the papers is about false data injection attacks against power system small-signal stability, while another one presents false relay operation attacks in power systems with high renewables.
- [February 2021] Our collaborative survey paper titled “A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues in Modern Healthcare Systems: Attacks and Defenses” is accepted to published in ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare. Congratulations to Iqtidar and Amit!
- [January 2021] I am serving on the TPC of IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC) 2021.
- [January 2021] Our paper titled “Resiliency-Aware Deployment of SDN in Smart Grid SCADA: A Formal Synthesis Model” has been accepted to be published in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM). Congratulations to Jakaria!
- [January 2021] Our paper titled “Strategic Defense against Stealthy Link Flooding Attacks: A Signaling Game Approach” has been accepted to be published in Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE). Congratulations to Abdullah and Hossein!
- [December 2020] Dr. Rahman is serving on the TPCs of the Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS) 2021.
- [December 2020] Dr. Rahman is serving as the Program Co-Chair of IEEE STPSA, a workshop in conjunction with IEEE COMPSAC 2021.
- [December 2020] Shahriar has successfully defended his MS thesis.
- [August 2020] Our paper on the UAV trajectory design for continuous and resilient surveillance has been accepted in the 25th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2020). The acceptance rate is 25%. Congratulations, Rahat!
- [July 2020] Dr. Rahman is serving on the TPCs of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2021.
- [June 2020] Dr. Rahman has received an REU Supplement ($21,000) on his NSF CRII grant. This grant will be used to support three undergraduate students at FIU to conduct research in CPS/IoT security. Thanks, NSF.
- [April 2020] Two papers have been accepted to be published in the 44th IEEE Computer Society International Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020). The acceptance rate is just below 24%. Congratulations to Shahriar and Imtiaz, for the paper titled “G-IDS: Generative Adversarial Networks assisted Intrusion Detection System.” Congratulations to Amarjit for the paper titled “WTC2: Impact-Aware Threat Analysis for Water Treatment Centers.”
- [April 2020] A H M Jakaria, Dr. Rahman’s student at Tennessee Tech, has successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations, Dr. Jakaria! He already accepted and joined Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Knoxville, as a Senior Engineer.
- [March 2020] The paper titled “On Incentive Compatible Role-based Reward Distribution in Algorand” has been accepted to be published in the 50th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2020). The acceptance rate is 16.5%. Congratulations Hossein!
- [January 2020] Dr. Rahman is serving as a Program Co-Chair of CPS-Sec, a workshop to be held in conjunction with IEEE CNS 2020.
- [December 2019] Dr. Rahman is serving as the Program Co-Chair of IEEE STPSA, a workshop in conjunction with IEEE COMPSAC 2020.
- [December 2019] Our collaborative work on load balancing for SDN controllers is published in Elsevier Computer Networks.
- [October 2019] Dr. Rahman is serving as a Review Editor of Frontiers in Smart Grids.
- [August 2019] Dr. Rahman is serving as an editor of EAI Transactions on Safety and Security.
- [July 2019] Dr. Rahman has given a talk on invasive and non-invasive analysis of IoT security at IEEE ISVLSI 2019.
- [June 2019] Dr. Rahman is serving on the Program Committee of MILCOM 2019.
- [May 2019] Our paper on the formal synthesis of NFV architecture has been accepted to be published in TNSM. Congratulations to Jakaria!
- [May 2019] Dr. Rahman has participated as a speaker in a panel on “Internet of Things” at IEEE PELS CyberPELS Workshop 2019.
- [April 2019] ARO provides $10,000 to support ACM WiSec 2019’s travel grant program.
- [April 2019] Two papers from the group have been accepted to be published in IEEE COMPSAC 2019.
- [April 2019] Rahat, Ryan, and Brian at Tennessee Tech University, who Dr. Rahman supervised remotely, have successfully defended their MS theses on April 04. Sam also defended his project on the same day. Congratulations to all!
- [March 2019] A paper on power system security, authored by Dr. Rahman and his collaborators, is published in Elsevier Computer & Security.
- [February 2019] Dr. Rahman is serving on the Program Committee of IEEE CNSM 2019.
- [January 2019] Dr. Rahman is serving as the Local Chair of WiSec 2019 to be held in Miami from May 15 – 17, 2019.
- [December 2018] Dr. Rahman is am serving as the Program Co-Chair of CPS-Sec, a workshop to be held in conjunction with IEEE CNS 2019.
- [December 2018] Dr. Rahman is serving on the Program Committee of IEEE ICCCN 2019.
- [December 2018] Dr. Rahman is serving as the Program Co-Chair of IEEE STPSA, a workshop to be held in conjunction with IEEE COMPSAC 2019.